BOLO Talent
Below are a list of current Fire Protection professionals whose profiles are known to be highly sought after. Industry firms routinely ask for our team to Be On The Look Out (BOLO) for professionals such as this.
To inquire about the availability of these professionals, contact:
Bob Cantrell - 877-562-2627 /
Fire Alarm Project Manager - (Available September 1, 2023)
- 18 years Fire Alarm industry related experiences, currently working as Senior Fire Alarm Technician / Project Manager
- NICET 3 Fire Alarms
- Texas APS (Fire Alarm Planning Superintendent) license
- Top Secret Clearance
Looking for Onsite Fire Alarm Project Manager opportunity in: Central Texas, Florida, Gulf Coast Region, or West Virginia
Fire Sprinkler Test & Inspections / Service, Service Manager (8/1/2023)
- 15 years Fire Protection industry experiences, most recently as Estimator / Sales (a Sprinkler guy selling and bidding on Low Voltage commercial projects)
- Sales / Estimating Fire Sprinkler Systems (4 yrs)
- NICET 2 in Test & Inspection
- Backflow Certified (7 yrs doing Test/Inspect + Service)
- Some Special Hazards
- Honorably Discharged Military Veteran
- Looking for Onsite opportunities in Florida, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, TX